
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Why Do You Hide Yourself? (Psalm 10)

As one can see from the title of this Psalm, it is written out of a great desire to see God act swiftly in the Psalmist's life. At the time of writing, the Psalmist feels like God has intentionally hidden Himself, and the only question that pops up in the mind of the psalmist is "Why"? This is a familiar feeling for most Christians if not all, we all go through periods of dryness where we cannot experience God, or we feel like God has abandoned us. Some have called this experience, the dark night of the soul. This period, however is used by God to increase our trust in Him and strengthen our faith.

Verse 1

Why O Lord, do you stand far away, Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?
These two questions stem from the inability of the Psalmist too see God's hand at work or feel his presence during the time of writing. 

Verses 2-4

The Psalmist's description of the poor brings out three important features of the wicked and the ungodly:
1. They "hotly pursue" the poor, that is they are eager to take advantage of the poor and the defenseless for their own selfish gain.
2. They do not seek God - The wicked do not seek God, because they are too proud to do so. Their thoughts are "There is no God." The root of all atheism is pride.
3. They are greedy for gain and in their attempt to gain more for themselves they see God as an enemy and curse and renounce God.

Verse 5

This verse introduces the paradox that troubles many to this day. In spite of all this, the wicked seem to be visibly prospering. This baffles the psalmist and this is one of the reasons he believes that God has hidden Himself.

Verses 7-11

Description of the wicked continues with more graphic language. The wicked are exposed to being  deceitful, oppressive and rapacious.

Verses 12- 13

The Psalmist's plea to God to arise in retaliation against the deeds of the wicked so that justice will be done.

Verses 14

Although, the Psalmist cannot empirically see God's hand at work he reacts in the best way possible. First of all, he cries out to God to act so that he can once again see God at work and give praise unto Him. Secondly, he reiterates his faith which is not based on sight and declares God to be the helper of the helpless.

Verse 15

A call for destruction of the wicked to break their arms so that they won't be able to afflict the poor anymore. 

Verses 16 - 19

The Psalmist's exaltation of God as the merciful King who hears the cries of the fatherless and the oppressed and does justice for their sake.


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