The following are some notes I jotted down after my study of Luke 13 and 14. I pray and hope that these might be useful to any that happen to read this. I also hope that I will be able to do this regularly. I know that with my own strength I won't be able to do this, because it takes a lot of time and I am simply not disciplined himself to do this unless he strengthens and teaches me to do so.
Luke 13:1-5
Repent or Perish
Luke 13:1-5
Repent or Perish
- "All" who do not repent will perish
- Calamities and Catastrophes are not always signs of some grave sin.
Parable of the barren fig tree
- Repentance leads to fruit (works)
- works are the inevitable fruit of true repentance. (Mat 3:8)
Healing on the Sabbath
- Man is more valuable than beast in the eyes of God. Sabbath is not a time to cease to do good. Its always a good time to do good unto others.
The Kingdom as a Mustard seed
- great things often have small beginnings.
- Three and a half years of Jesus' teaching and service has changed the world.
- Repentance can change a life.
- The Kingdom has a pervading influence that no man can stop. In the end, the Kingdom of God will prevail.
The Narrow door
- Entering the kingdom is not based on merit. But, there exists a struggle against the flesh, world and the devil. To enter the kingdom through the narrow door, one must shrink, become humble.
- There is a time limit to enter the Kingdom. Once the door is shut, it will never open again. The door shuts for a person either at death or at the second coming of Christ. One must make sure, the door shuts behind him after he has entered.
- Jesus had complete control over the events of his life, including the exact timing of his death. Herod cannot change that divine time table regardless of how hard he tried.
- Most of the OT prophets were killed by Jews itself in Jerusalem and not by foreign enemies. The pattern would repeat itself when Jesus would die. Yet, Jesus laments over Jerusalem showcasing the extent of his love.
- Healing on the Sabbath
- Parable of the wedding feast
- Those who humble themselves will be exalted and those who exalt themselves will be humbled.
- Give gifts to the poor who cannot repay so that God will repay you at the resurrection.
- Give hoping not to be repaid. Do not give in expectation of something in return.
- The invited represent Israel. Israel rejects its invitation opening up room for the Gentiles.
The Cost of being a disciple
- Great crowds followed Jesus
- Jesus didn't want admirers, he wanted disciples-followers who would be like him in their lives.
- Complete surrender and devotion to Jesus that makes all other things secondary.
- Count the cost before being a disciple to avoid shame in the future.
- The one who truly wants to follow Jesus is willing to trade everything so that he might become a disciple.
- Discipleship is in a way a kind of slavery. Paul calls himself the bond-servant of Christ.
- This is the best way to lead life and it flies in the face of a narcissistic, individualistic and libertarian culture.
- Salt was used as a preservative
- If the salt was found to be ineffective, it would be then used to keep the footpaths free of vegetation.
- False disciples are good for no one.
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